
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TNO Watch: Huya

Make it rain on dem, make it rain... oh hey guys whats up? I was just about to do some work on this coolio TNO, you interested?

Of course you are, who am i kidding?

The Science: Huya is a Plutino, an object past Neptune who's orbit controlled by the magnetic resonance of the Gas Giant. It holds a 3:2 influence, meaning that for every 3 orbits around the Sun made by Neptune, Huya will make 2.

The Myth: Alright, This one makes Varuna look easy. All i can find on the Myth for Her is this: 'Huya was named after the rain god of the Wayuu people of Venezuela'. Okay. Well, we have Rain...and Venezuela. Not a lot to go on, but lets see what I can come up with. Well, in recent years Venezuela and Boliva (Wayuu stomping grounds) have become extremely environmentally concious, and have attraced a lot of attention for their "Law of Mother Earth", which grants the same protections to the planet that your own mother is entitled to.

"They include: the right to life and to exist; the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration; the right to pure water and clean air; the right to balance; the right not to be polluted; and the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered."

So there's definitely an environmental connenction. What about the rain thing? Well, aside from the obvious weather connection, our western culture has a fascination with rain, too! In the States, if you refer to someone as a "Rainmaker", they take that to mean that you are saying that the individual has so much money, that it means nothing to them, and they can literally throw it around, usually if there are *cough cough* "dancers" around, along with the trademark champange that goes along with the lifestyle (see "Poppin' Bottles").

So, logically, veiwed from that framework- which i shall take every liberty to do so, seeing as how the phenomenon became mainstream around the time Huya was discovered, and if there's one thing I know about this buisness, its that timing is everything- We reach a singular conclusion; That Huya the rain god is also a wealth god. Further expounding along that track, Huya rules a specific area of wealth: Abundance.

Now, you've probably heard a lot about Abundance lately. In books like The Secret, readers are taught certain techniques such as Visualization and Manifestation, or bascially concious co-creation 101. No, It will not cause a new Lambo to appear in your driveway (that is, unless you choose to go down to the nearest dealer and buy one!) but it can help you to clarify your needs, wants, and goals, and then enlist the univers for help in taking those from idle daydreams into reality. That's the part of the book that works. But, the people want a magic wand to make all their problems go away.

Anyways, Abundance is having enough, whether that be money, resources, or what have you to meet your needs so that you want for nothing. And that is the obverse of Abundance: Lack. When you are focused on what you don't have, that becomes a central tenant of your life, albeit backround noise in the drama. When you focus your mind on Abundance, your mind is not weighed down with Lack concerns, and you are free to devote your mental energies onto some other pursuit.

In our rapidly changing world, as we see so many structures and institutions, hell, even countries collapse around us, set against the backdrop of the transit of Pluto through Capricorn, structures and institutions that were built on greed, (by which I come to mean the mental and emotional construct which humans recognize Lack, and try to transmute it into Abundance) Huya becomes vital. We need to learn Abundance, as a species, so we can avoid this crisis in the future, assuming that we still have one.

New Moon in Libra: Jetpack Underwear

Still with me everybody? Good, because everything we just did is absolute cake. Those last 10 miles? Nothing to it! The lava pits, underwater pass, and the spike traps? Easy-Peasy! This is the halfway point. Now, we get to turn around and go back UP the mountain! Get STOQUED! (pause for inevitable groans) What, just three of you made it? But i was taking it easy on you guys today.... Oh well, more fun for us!

Welcome to Libra everybody! Glad you could join us. Pop a squat and lets plan out our little operation, shall we? First things first: Congratulations are in order for making it this far. We still have a long way to go, however, so this is only a brief respite. This New Moon is agitating the hell out of that old Cardinal Cross (what, you  didnt think we were done with that yet, did you? No way, sugarplum; we still got 2 more rounds of that monkey business!) This time, the focus is on Saturn. And Juno. Not to mention the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Venus... Jeez o'pete, there's a whole lot of Libra going on! Can you handle all this nice, happy, rose-colored optomism? (In a word, No.)

Now here's what the field is looking like right now: Cardinal Cross is back until the start of next week. What to do with this: Re-charge and re-align to that awesome whirlwind of change and positivity that you were 6 months ago. The mood has been anything but confident and revolutionary as of late, but right now? Total Awesome. You can feel it in the air, its like Pandora finally let Hope out of her pithos! This week is a great time to get back in the game, and to remind the world that you're still alive and kicking ass! That pipe dream you were so jazzed about back in March? Give it another look, see if you cant come up with a way to make it even more snazzy (No Daphne, put the bedazzler back down. Thats not what I meant.) and maybe come up with a new plan to put in to action this time, instead of hanging back. Go rock that audition, Ace that interview, or just stun on your night out. You're calling the shots this time, and nothing's going to happen unless you get out of your own way.

The Sun and Moon: Jumping right into the frying pan here, we see an energizing sextile from Mars, rocking the stage and challenging you to do the same. Uranus is sitting on the other side of the fence, picketing for "Change: Now, Damnit!!" (No one invited him to the party, not after what happened the last time). He isnt practicing what he preaches, though, so its a very lonely picket line. A much needed Pallas Athene is adding her detached, pure wisdom to the moment instead of just spouting off tired idealogy. A quincux to Chiron and Neptune, sitting uncomfortably in the corner, reminds you that you weren't always in the limelight, so try to bring others in on your victories, and help celebrate theirs. When one of us wins, we all win (so celebrate accordingly). The agitating square to Pluto, while painful, is helping you grow up to be the person you want to be. Stop fighting to hold on to what's not working, so you can get to work building what will. There's also a sextile to Hygeia, so taking care of your health is vital right now if you aren't trying to be benched. Eat right, excercise, and tan (Mars in Leo, don't shoot the messenger!). A square to Eurydike is pushing the boundaries of how far your partner (if you have one, of course) is willing to go for you. Dont get caught up in that game, its the kiss of death for sure. Oh, and ladies? No playing the Damsel-in-Distress card. Wait til the Full Moon to sling that BS. A trine to Kassandra is warning you that your warnings about a situation will be going unheeded, so dont try to force the issue. State your case, and let the chips fall where they may. Make sure you listen to good counsel yourself! A trine to Lachesis highlights the ideas and lessons that have had their time, recognize them, and detach from them so we can cut them away in Scorp. A square to Siva could easily find you on the warpath for some minor trifle. Remember, its just hair, it will grow back (watch the Leos wince; "Lies!" they roar) there's no need to destroy that hairdresser's day, and possibly career undeservedy. Another square, this time to Icarus, shows that your comfy, safe life is starting to feel like a prison sentence. You'll get to break free, but not just yet. Be a little more patient, and don't get carried away. A trine to Hephaistos helps you stay focused, but remember not to bring your work home with you. Carve some time out for yourself. A square to Child can easily transform the ego into something out of a parents worst nightmare. No Tantrums! A sextile to Tantalus can leave you feeling like the goal is so close that you can taste it, but is always just out of reach, leading you to dismay. All is not lost, however! There is a trine to Heracles, and a sextile to Eschelus, filling you with all the confidence you need to get the job done, and then some!

[Authors Note: I feel absolutely awful for anyone who tries to translate my incoherent ramblings into their native tounge (I'm talking to you, Korea!!). 100% serious right now, if this is you, email me and ill do everything i can to help make it easier for you]

Venus: Aahh, Venus. The Belle of the ball tonight, its her party and she knows it. Sitting exactly halfway through her home sign of Libra, she gets ready to meet with Saturn and Juno. What happens when the Gods of Love and Beauty; Marriage and Commitment; Duty and Dilligence get together? Well, if your ducks are all in a row, and you've been true to yourself and your needs, then this could definitely be your reward for all the hard work. If things are not so in-tune, however, expect the situation to get worse before it gets better. Adding into the mix is a sextile to the North Node, focusing on the future and starting a new chapter in your life. Furthering this goal is Astraea, sextiling our girl, softening her rough edges, and instilling a real, human love for the situation right now. Also, if you need to re-enter someone's life that you may have lost touch with (as long as you parted on good terms) now would be a good time to extend that olive branch. A conjunction to Toro, however, shows that you can be quite ruthless to anything that stands in your way, and if there is a difference of opinion, you will not give in easily. Watch for a square to Dionysius, there is an increased tendency to imbibe. Keep a level head at all times. A trine to Chaos provides you with the building blocks for the life you want to create, but in the end it is up to you to supply the blueprints. A sextile to Ixion shows that you have learned a lot in your suffering lately, and its time to graduate, and move on to the next level. But watch out for that sextile to Narcissus, and dont spend too much time admiring your own reflection.

MARS: I dont know why it always capitalizes when i type that out, but as he bellows out in joy every time, it does, its staying.  Our warrior is not too active right now, fitting for Libra. No, he's content just to stay on stage and play the show. There's a wide square to Jupiter, so a propensity for big dreams may be valid, avoid putting them into action till the windbag goes direct again. Use the trine to Uranus to help put your personal stamp of excellence on it, and bring it into its highest form. An opposition to Vesta shows you may be torn between your need for glory, and the needs of your cause. Take a more active role in your pet project and you'll suprise yourself at how well you handle the challenge. A sextile to Altjira heightens the need to put your super-high energies into creative works right now. Embrace your inner Superstar!!

Jupiter: Oh Jupiter, what are we to do with you? Squaring Vesta, the gassy fiend is feeling rather pagan, and imbibing in Dionysius' famous wine (not to mention his famous nymphs!). There is a trine to Elatus, further amping up the good mood, and general optimism, but dont be fooled by snake oil salesmen (or Mercury armed with roses!). A sextile to Cyllarus lends great confidence, and natural alpha-male leadership skills, but be careful not to paint yourself up as too much of a hero if you can't deliver on the promise. An opposition to Deucalion can leave you feeling slightly adrift, like you're just waiting for the clouds to clear and the path will be swathedin heavenly light (not going to happen, but a pretty picture nonetheless). Get out there and make what you want happen! Another opposition, this time to Ceto, can make you feel an uneasy sense of dread and danger, something you cant quite put your finger on.... Trust your instincts.

Saturn: The old codger is finally moving again, now that Mercury returned his walker ( "But I just needed to borrow it for a second!!" ) A great Sextile to the North Node shows that your sights are set on the future, and the past is buried behind you. And not a moment too so on, if we had to spend another second dredging up every. single. one. of those old issues, i was about to kill someone. No matter. There is an exciting opposition to Eris, stimulating you to reach for new heights, and not to let anything stop you. A quincunx to Ceres indicates you might be averse to accepting other's help, prefering your own counsel. Dont shut them out, these are the people who care about you. A supportive trine to Eros though, helps you stay in touch with your more human side, so there's no real danger of not having those you need around you. A trine to Phaethon helps your star rise, but don't bite off more than you can chew or you'll be brought back down to earth in a hurry! Damocles sword is hanging over your head though, so watch you back (and the ceiling) Saturn Conjunct Haumea helps you get out and reconnect to our great, magical world.

Uranus: Stuck in the picket line, Uranus has a lot of time to think. Right now, with a sextile to Amor, the weirdo god is having a rare, protacted inner battle over love; real Human love, not the impersonal, universal love he enjoys. A trine to Chariklo though shows that your message is directly speaking from the human subconcious, and therefore, you find it easy to rally support for it,

Neptune: Can't I just skip this part? Ugh, okay. The only aspect i'm seeing is an opposition to Psyche. Eat it up, Fabio!

Pluto: Watch out for Teharonhiawako, mood change can happen, just like that. Use the opportunity to transmute some of the older, outdated and particular emotions and drama that really has no place in your life. Once you do, you'll be suprised at what comes in to take its place!

 All in all, an excellent opportunity to get yourself back on track, just keep a clear head. Identify the places that you are ready to let go of, but dont get too hung up on making the changes happen yesterday. Make the project flawless first, and worry about implementing it next month. Focus and Refine, Let go and Re-align is the name of the game! Just get back in there, and yes, YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT! That does not mean that a porsche is going to show up in your driveway just because you stick it on your vision board. These things take work, a lot of it, and that's what we're doing right now! Stay the course!

                                                                                     -The AstroGeek

 For your viewing and listening pleasure, my song pick for the zeitgeist- Enjoy

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Full Moon in Pisces: Sunshine and Shadows

Well, its that time again; Time to take a break from all that pesky sanity crap, and make a visit to Le Hotel du Crazy Pants (I heard they have a great band in the hotel bar this week!). Kiddies, this full moon is going to be a wild ride, let me just tell you.

Ok, this time the Moon is in the sign that is the hardest to pin down, Pisces. Ah, Pisces... Without you, there would be no church, no booze, and no magic in this world. Traditionally, Pisces rules (is influenced by/ influences) all these things along with such fun like hospitals, drugs, God, religion, rehab, anything that gets you high or takes you down, really. And the moon (emotions) in this sensitive, roller coaster of emotion of a sign can definitely spell trouble. The thing is, this can also open you up to dazzling new worlds that you had no idea existed, beyond your wildest dreams. A Neptune transit (Ruler of Pisces) is truly a magical experience, but one that can get out of control very easily.

The key to staying in control is Temperance. Pisces loves to overdo everything, and hates boundaries. The problem is, Pisces forgets that limits can be a good thing sometimes. Luckily, across the aisle, you find Virgo, the sign of control, sobriety, moderation, and the nitty gritty. Full disclosure, I have very little in Virgo (No classical planets, but a few TNOs) therefore, i have a hard time writing about it without sticking to the textbook. Where Pisces is the rosy haze, and the drunken chaos (or the transcendent experience) Virgo is the clear-headed, number crunching, green tea and pilates routine, mundane bliss. The problem here arises when Virgo denies itself the simple pleasures and indulgences that keep one's mood up, and get the endorphins going. When they dont, those pressures build up, and when Virgos get too pent-up, they go nuclear, and sabotage themselves, and lose faith in just about everything. Then they get inspired, a la pisces, and the dance begins all over again. The goal here is balance between mystical and mundane. Its a fine line, but if you can walk it, there is literally nothing that you cannot do.

Any time Pisces is involved, things feel a little unreal. Like you took a wrong turn and ended up in Wonderland by mistake, and now everyone expects you to save the day. Now, normally you would just saw "pffffft, screw that im outta here!", but the thing is you're stuck here until you face down the dragon (or jabberwock/evil monarch/zombie muffin army. Pick your poison.) and thats the only way to get home, back to reality. Dull, boring, monotonus reality filled with meetings, obnoxious people, zits and bills. Yep, thats where we want to go, no question. "Wait, hold on" you say "Since we're stuck here anyway, we might as well enjoy ourselves, right? I mean, whats the harm in playing the Hero for a bit, going on grand adventures and such? Its not like its hurting anyone...". And you would be dead wrong. You my friend, have just lost yourself in the Bermuda Triangle, aka the Pisces Fantasy Zone. Its all too easy to get caught up in the drama, the magic of it all, and then you end up burned to a crisp. Or if you're one of the unlucky ones, you get out, but you are dreaming of getting back in every second of every day, a junkie for the memories. Now, when you see this, it is scary. And once it happens, theres usually no going back to the old life, kind of like when Pluto is involved, but with Pluto, you are forced to make the new life work, even though its rough. Pisces lets you go on, its just you're in zombie mode now. The only real way to break it is through some serious Virgo; strcit diet, getting everything in order and getting your life functioning again, and letting it go. Then, once you do that, the magic happens: you begin to see the magic all around you! And that is the end goal for Pisces: a magical life, that no one can take away.

Okay, now on to the rest of the chart!

The Sun and Moon: Aside from the obvious Opposition, theres really not a whole lot going on with these two. The Sun is sitting in the same sign, but making no aspect to Mercury and Venus, and the same goes for the Moon and Ceres. Unless, of course, you count their Square to the North Node. So you can count on this Full Moon to shake up and make you question your ideas on where your life is headed, and to how far you've come.  Also in square is Memoria, so watch out for getting lost in your own reverie at the cost of the present. The Sun in is a trine to Hybris, so watch what you say, and make sure you dont get too proud and arrogant. Interestingly, Osiris is another hot asteroid this Cycle, so try to ressurect yourself from this funk that's been in the air lately (Hint- its Pluto). Lady Luna is sextile Sauer, so emotions are going to be going rapid-fire, changing and shooting at you faster than you can dodge them. Just try not to get anyone else caught in the cross-fire. The Moon is also in a trine to House, so try to stay home if you can. if you cant, make sure to carve out a space for yourself, even if only emotionally, to weather out the storm. Trust me, you'll be glad for the refuge.

Mercury: Mercury has moved into Virgo, and is loving every second of it! He pretty much has the run of the place, but is having fun annoying Uranus, sitting in a quincunx. He is also trining Pluto, so expect a lot of your old ideas to fade away, if they weren't working to help you better your life, that is. Luckily, you should get a ton of new ones, a la Uranus. Dont try to B.S. your way through this one, just be honest about what's not serving you anymore and let it go. Face the facts. If that wasnt enough, hes is in opposition to Chiron, making it very easy to reopen old wounds right now, try to find the lesson in the pain. A quincunx to Vesta makes it easy to lose sight of what really matters to you. A square to Altjira indicates that you might want to try to run away from your problems, but its really not as scary as you think, the solution is staring you in the face. An opposition to Teharonhiawako shows that you are struggling with your shadow, and you probably feel like you're losing. Keep pushing back, and you'll gain back your ground. Ill be doing a series of posts on the shadow, and strategies to integrate it into your life, so stay tuned if you're struggling there. Hephaistos is also involved, in a square. This can cause you to think that what you are working on right now is not worth the effort, and you probably want to quit. Now this could be a valid call to a greater work, but probably is just fatigue. Take some time for yourself, and de-compress. A trine to Icarus has got your mind soaring to new heights, and  right now is an excellent time to tackle that problem that has been on the forefront of your brain. A square to Lilith, however can take things to far and may lead you to push the envelope a bit more than is wise, and can leave you out in the cold. Further adding to this mix is a conjunction to Pandora, aka Trouble on Two Legs. You have an insatiable curiosity, and cant help yourself from investigating. So what if you uncover some nasty truths in the process? Well, the sooner you face them, the sooner you get stronger. (Hint- You will, and you need to face them now, because they're seriously undermining your happiness and mental health, as well as your life progression. Ignore at your own peril!). The other part of this is that you have something to share with the world, and THIS IS THE TIME to do so! A sextile to Orpheus shows it will most likely to be well recieved, but try not to step on any toes or you could end up ripped to shreds.

Venus: Our girl is still lighting up Virgo as she wraps up her quick stay there, and getting ready to move into Libra, her home sign. Before she does, she makes an opposition to Ceres, highlighting the delicate balance between my needs/ your needs, and what you are willing to do for your those you love, even if it means risking just about everything in the process. Further highlighting this is a trine to Asbolus, leaving you to focus on what you need and little else. A sextile to Mars is a super-strong passion booster, cranking it up to 11 and ripping off the knob. However, in these signs, you have sensitive passion that understands the needs and restrained love, or love with strings attached. Making a love triangle out of this is Vulkanus in another sextile, wich may leave you torn between two draws of your heart. Choose wisely. A conjunction to Makemake can leave you feeling quite mischievous indeed! Use it to your advantage and win the heart of your object of desire! Finally, a trine to Pallas Athene helps you get the perspective you need Listeto acheive your goals.

Mars:  Alright, listen up Mars- You need to get the F%$# out of Cancer, ASAP. This whole one step forward, two steps sideways dance that has been going on lately? We are fed up, for realsies. No offense or anything. Til then, however, we have Mars sextile Asbolus, helping you get what you need to survive (and not much else, im afraid). A sextile to Logos helps, keeping what you do alinged with what you want, even if itseems like it is going the most sidewards direction possible, and a trine to Niobe can leave you very aware of what you have now. Remember to be VERY grateful and humble for your situation, and the progress you've made, because disaster has a funny way of striking right after you boast about your awesomeness. A sextile to Urania should help keep you on your game, however, and help you stay detached. Not to be left out of the picture is an opposition to Pallas Athene, so if you feel threatened by someone who has some different gifts than you, try not to steamroll over them, or engage in power play games, because you might just need their help getting out of a jam soon. And if things go south, just remember, we're almost done, just one more week and you should get your moxie back! Til then, dont skip your lower body workout, and avoid cream based soups like the plauge.

Jupiter: Well, Jupiter's gone retrograde, and is acting like the one kid that didnt get invited to the part but came anyway. A sextile with Askalaphus is giving him a (soon to be) fatal case of diarrhea of the mouth. A sqaure to Bacchus is causing confidence to be at an all-time low, but that'll fade pretty quick. A trine to Isis makes for a productive aspect, as long as you dont get in your own way and sabotage what you want. Stay focused and make the most of this. Visualization excersises are very good ways to use this time.

Saturn: Well, Saturn is very cozy in Libra, with Juno on his arm, keeping everything just oh so perfect. A sextile to the North Node could indicate a new partner or productive new adventure, but a wide opposition to Eris shows that not all is as it appears. A conjunction to Haumea shows the true potential of creating the new structures in your life, aiding you at every turn. A sextile to Ixion can leave you feeling like you are just going round and round on the carousel, however. It will all pay off though, trust me. A sextile to Hebe further pushes the issue of worth, and of the rewards for your service. The recognition you have been craving could be just around the corner. Another conjunction, this time to Terpsichore, can leave you feeling downright giddy! The old curmudgeon is actually enjoying himself, and having a good time! And everyone is reaping the rewards, let me tell you.

Uranus: Still retrograde, Uranus is stitting in the middle of the room, acting like a bridezilla on crack; demanding huge changes to your life to make it more in tune with his super-awesome plans (sitting in a dinosaur office that breathes fire. Make it work!) and they need to happen NOW, no arguments willl be heard. Any attempt to reason with him, and he sticks his fingers in his ears til you get to work on his vision. He is still in square to Pluto, shaking everything up and leaving you feeling like you dont have a leg to stand on. A strengthening sextile to Vesta helps you stay on track, and dedicated to the cause. Remember to keep your own needs in focus too. A square to Crantor, however can indicate that if you push others too hard, you could lose a valueable ally. Check in with those around you, make sure you're not running roughshod over their emotions. They have dreams too, you know. A trine to Echelus is a huge help, letting you see both the big picture and the nitty gritty with ease, something not to be taken for granted during this Full Moon. Another trine, this time to Ascelpius, is screaming out "Physician, heal thyself!". It'll be way easier right now than normal. Pay attention to any messages that you get in your dreams, as well. A square to Hera can crank  up the jealousy level, and make it easier to slip into those power games. However, it also causes an increased desire for perfection, so its not all bad. Just rise above, and you'll be fine. Oh and dont call your mother a cow, unless you have a death wish and want her to never speak to you again.

Neptune: The ruler of the Full Moon is very active. The conjunction with Chiron has you desiring major changes in how you live your life, and in your relationships. Strip away the things that dont serve you, or continue to drag along the toxicity, its up to you. A trine to Apophis can make it very easy for you to slip into the lower expressions of this, and let the toxicity rule the day, causing chaos in your life. Another trine, to Hekate, helps you to create the magic that you dream of; visualize it first, and then make it happen. A square to Hygeia calls for a more wholistic approach to your situation. Again, I can't stress enough that if something is not working anymore, LET IT GO! Now what we mean by that is release your emotional attachment to whether it succeeds or fails, so that it cannot drag you down, and when you release that, you leave yourself open to a new paradigm that you can create. Another square, to Tantalus, can leave you desiring what you cannot have, or what is taboo. The glamour that Neptune brings to the table can cause you to lose all sight of reason and do something you'll regret.

Pluto: Well theres some great news here, as surly emo Pluto is about to go direct. Try to focus on reclaiming your power, in whatever fashion that means for you, and not getting involved in the petty emo drama (It WILL come back to bite you, and faster than you think, trust me). A sextile to Chiron brings up all those old wounds, and helps you to go deep and actually heal. Another sextile to Orpheus further reinforces this idea, and challenges you to go deep into the underworld and get back what's important to you. A trine to Pandora helps you open the box of your subconcious and face the darkness in there, and see the hope at the bottom. Another sextile, this time to Sauer indicates that the wounds you inflict now, or that are inflicted on you, go deep and are likely to linger. Stay aware.

All in all, a powerful Moon, but its just a precursor to what's about to happen. Between Venus moving into Libra, Mars into Leo, and Pluto finally going direct, all the emo-blech drama and walking on eggshells to protect other people from themselves is going end immediately. These guys are looking to change the game entirely. Til then, keep your head up, and your eyes open!

                                                                                          Sincerely yours
                                                                                          -The AstroGeek

Image courtesy of