
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Full Moon Eclipse in Libra - Bloom

Full Moon Eclipse Libra  March 23, 2016

  THANK GOD ITS ARIES SEASON! There is no ingress I look forward to more than this one! Especially after the clusterfuck that was this last Pisces season, and all its pileup. Unfortunately most of the planets are still in Pisces, giving me an ulcer, but are we going to let that stop us from squeezing out every bit of Aries that we can? Hell no!
And good lord, we are going to need everything we can get...
"Who dwells at the core of my being? I am calm itself and he is the storm." - Hafiz
This is the final eclipse in a long series of Libra/Aries eclipses. We wont see an eclipse in this sign combination for another 7 years. This, in itself, feels very significant. 7 is the number of Venus, the goddess of fortune and love, and also the ruler of Libra. This may be an especially significant time for those born under the scales.
Libra, the centerpiece of the zodiac, always reminding us that perfection is non-existent and life is in constant adjustment for balance. Like a see-saw, she teeters between hot and cold / dark and light / love and fear / war and peace. Where Aries is exploratory and impulsive action, she is stillness and assessment. As an idealistic air sign, Libra will toil endlessly for a justice that can never be fully attained; bringing to mind Sisyphus.  Perhaps this is Libra's punishment from the gods for being so fucking indecisive. The scale will always tip one way or the other, regardless of how balanced we may perceive it in the moment. The great work is never over.
"Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun." - Alan Watts
The Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars- Despite what I just wrote, I am going into this completely uninspired. I've tried to fake and force the awesome for hours now, and just kept running into a brick wall. Hopefully if I just keep rambling and writing I'll stumble into some sort of genius insight- if not, there's always tequila. Anyways, that is very much the feel of this: Think back to this time 2010-11, and how on fire you were, ready to take on whatever came your way, heaven help anyone who got in it. Where did that go? Where did you fail? Where did you lose? More importantly, when did you give up on yourself? Find that moment between then and now, and learn from it. Learn your lessons, forgive yourself, and MOVE THE FUCK ON. Its well past time to get back into that mode. That moment is holding you back, trapping you in its maelstrom, and if you don't escape it you will NOT survive the storm that is coming. And it will make landfall very soon, you NEED to be ready. You need to get back to your original mission, whatever that may be. There is a reason you decided to go down the path you explored, but there is a course-correct coming. Make the choice to change now or watch it be made for you. This energy is completely aligned with the greater year energy of the Fire Monkey, so now is the time to get aligned. If it doesn't bring you toward achieving your goals, get rid of it!
THE MOON: For the moon, I pulled The Hangman and Sowillo, which is the exact same combination I pulled for the last eclipse. This is auspicious. We have reached the other side, reflecting the last new moon in Pisces like a mirror. We have crossed some sort of strange, dimensional rift, with illumination resting firmly betwixt. Like Libra, the hangman is the centerpiece. He sits smack dab in the middle of the major arcana of the Tarot, suspended between two worlds. This book end situation is a new sort of experience for Libra. All endings breed beginnings, and Libra is consistently stuck in the middle of the story. Both the ideas of starting and ending seem foreign and dizzying. This whole transition from new moon to full moon has been like sitting on a fence; something Libras are very good at. It is finally time to step off and go see the greener grass on the other side. Unfortunately, while Libra has been sitting around contemplating, her Aries neighbor has erected hedge statues and planted gardens and a built one of those stupid fountains. Spring is here, and the scales have finally tipped. Sowillo, the sun, has arrived. The funny thing about the sun, like illumination, is that you can never look directly at it but you see it's presence all around you.  The hangman has lost his ego. He is in a position where you could throw a rotten tomato on him, kick his head, or give him a hug. Who knows. He has taken the leap of faith. It's time to give everyone the big fuck you and bloom how you choose. You get to be whatever kind of fucking flower you want to be. You inherit yourself.
THE SUN: For the sun, I pulled 5 of Swords and Kenaz. 5 of Swords represents self interest, which makes perfect sense for a sun in Aries. You're going to have to defend what you believe in. People are going to disagree with you. They are going to fight you and kick you when you are down. Don't fucking let them. Seriously, punch them where it hurts most and move the fuck on. We have to let things go and become light and fly now. The rune Kenaz, also known as the "torch," tells us that you will "surpass the master." This is where we make a choice, punks (sorry, Libra). What is the story you are going to choose to tell? Are you going to keep telling the same old fucking story, or are you going to take what you want? Are you the master of your own fate, or will you allow the illusion to suck you back in? There is also a warning here. This card tells us it is not in our benefit to be wholly selfish. It's like Libra is scolding Aries. She tells him to do what is right and to do it with the fullness of his unique intensity. I'm sure Helios and I can both agree that there is nothing more glorious to behold than an Aries with a righteous goal at his back. Kenaz represents controlled transformation. It governs apprenticeship, study, and the search for enlightenment. What drives you? What is your end goal? Look beyond everything. What is the sun of your life?
MERCURY: For Mercury, I pulled The Devil and Algiz. This is a fascinating combination. They call Algiz the rune of connections. What kind of connections? In particular, the kind between us and the gods. Algiz represents the higher self and courage. It is used as a protection rune and is charged with giving us courage in the face of fear. People are going to say what they need to say. That'll be nice, wont it? There is this idea of "personal gravity" which I found interesting when studying this rune. Movement is key, so find your rhythm. Mercury is the planet of communication, so Algiz in this position tells me that the full moon will be a glorious time for getting in your creative zone and just letting work come out. We also have the Devil archetype to deal with here. This card warns us that people (including you) may have an easy time influencing us with their words right now. Listen carefully to the way people speak to you, from the friends in your micro, to the politicians in your macro. What does everyone really want? It's an easy time to figure this out due to Mercury's connection to Algiz, the god whisperer, and The Devil, the impulsive egoist.

Venus and Neptune- Okay, so these two annoy me. These are my least successful/integrated energies. Luckily, they work together exceedingly well, and with Neptune still in Pisces (don't remind me) it lends itself to a lot of customization and experimentation. Let me tell y'all about a little trick I learned from acting and my Pick-up Artist days- it's called Mind-shifting. What you do is you visualize your success (whatever form that might take) and marry that to an intense memory of achievement. Connect yourself as much to that memory you can, using your senses. Overwrite your insecurity and doubts with the emotion in your memory and use it to convince yourself that you already have succeeded, and really BELIEVE it. Once you swing that, all that's left is the execution, just actually doing it!
VENUS:  For Venus, I pulled The Star and Hagalaz.  Again, a fascinating combination.  The Star (card #17) is hope, the light, healing and escape after the collapse of the motherfucking tower (card #16).  The Star is Aquarius, who is ruled by the circulatory system.  It is the idea of connection at a mass level - the spider who weaves the threads between the stars.  This is a great combination.  It tells us that we are finally shedding the bullshit, letting the hail storm knock away all that isn't fastened securely to the truth.  Really, guys, this is good.  Venus represents what we truly value.  It's time for that to be clear for us.  Venus is giving us our speck of hope, and really there is nothing more perceptible in the sky than the wandering star Venus.
NEPTUNE:  For Neptune, I pulled The Lovers and the blank rune (fate rune).  Neptune rules over our temptations (thus the planet of alcoholism, YAY).  She is all the things we cannot see that are creeping around in the other world, influencing us in some wyrd way.  The blank rune sure shows that here, standing in for the idea of "fate" itself.  There are going to be a lot of magical moments, strange things coming into fruition that we may be blindsided by.  You see, Neptune represents that which is barely on our peripheral.  She also represents the higher form of love.  The lovers in position here tells me that higher connections are coming into manifestation in our lives.
Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Pluto- Okay, so this is becoming less and less Super Saiyan energy and more the 12 labors of Heracles. In which case, we're at the 3rd labor (yay us!), seeing as how we already overcame the Nemean Lion (brute strength) and the Hydra (overcoming multiple issues at the same time, balance). This labor would be that of perseverance, and humility. In the third labor, Heracles is tasked with catching the Ceryneian Hind, a stag that could run as fast as lightning. Heracles came across it by chance, then chased it over a year without catching it. After he kept running and chasing it, he ran into Artemis, who told him to leave it be, as the stag was hers, and go back to the asshole king who tasked him with the labors to say that he had caught it, and it would all work out. As he is walking up the steps to the palace, Artemis brings the stag to him, making him promise to return the stag to her. The king is ecstatic, but he wants to keep it for himself. Heracles realizes that he cant allow this to happen, he agrees, under one condition- The king had to come out to get the stag himself. When he does, Heracles released the Hind, and it escaped, and Heracles told him coyly that he had just been too slow.
JUPITER: For Jupiter, I pulled Justice and Inguz. So we have the rune of growth in the planet of growth. Hmmm. So what the hell are we growing? If Jupiter is the planet of joy and abundance, it looks like we are growing what we want through righteous action; aka Justice. Inguz rules subtle action, and Jupiter is being ruled by the Queen of Detail - Virgo. There is something waiting for you, a reward to reap, if you focus on the details. Once you find it, there will be an explosion of abundance available to you. Get your flashlights out, guys. This is a good time for workings involving money. Unfortunately, if you have been sowing bad karma along your path, get ready to eat shit.
SATURN: For Saturn, I pulled the The Hermit and Jera. So the Hermit is associated by the zodiac sign Virgo, and Jera represents the harvest, and Saturn has a big scythe he uses to reap.  This is a dire warning for us. Saturn goes into retrograde on March 26, 3 days after the Full Moon Eclipse in Libra on the 23rd. When Saturn decides to cycle back through the field, he brings double karma along with him. I'm sorry to terrify you. Remember... the pendulum has begun to swing.
URANUS: For Uranus, I pulled the King of Cups and Gebo. The King of Cups is a highly creative individual with great emotional depth. He sits in the storm of Uranus, calm and composed, his emotions reigned in. This King is aware of the flashes of insight coming from Uranus - the powerful jolts in our day that rattle our very foundation. The important thing is that the King of Cups sees them and becomes aware of them. He then responds in a composed manner. The King of Cups is emotional understanding, and he has a healthy balance between his intellect and his emotions. Gebo is the divine balance. There is great ability for you to make inspired partnerships with the people around you. This is encouraged. Follow the flashes of lightening, and do so generously. Share your fire. There is a lot of reciprocation in this combination. The King of Cups is very giving and generous, and Gebo literally translates to the gift.  Get ready for lots of gifts of insight as well.
PLUTO:  For Pluto, I pulled the 7 of Pentacles and Berkano.  What is with this card?  It keeps fuckin' showing up, left and right, and it's beginning to make me very curious.  The 7 of Pentacles is all about that moment when we decide to change.  Something has finally been completed, and now it is time to choose our direction.  Pluto is the planet of regeneration, and our lives are very much being pumped with new life blood as we speak.  Thanks for the juice, Pluto, because we are really going to need it for all these fucking retrogrades about to beat us down.  Berkano shows up for us, under the planet of legacy coupled with the 7 of Pents.  This probably means it is an excellent time for money manifestation.  You can truly have what you want, you just need to have the guts to change yourself in order to get it.  Don't just sit there.  Either harvest what you have in front of you and make something of that, or take what you need and begin your new life.  Decisions, decisions.  You're going to be forced to change, so it's time to choose a route or smash face first into the median (sorry again, Libra).
Planet - Rune -- Tarot
Moon - Sowillo -- Hangman
Sun - Kenaz -- 5 of Swords
Mercury - Algiz -- The Devil
Venus - Hagalaz -- The Star
Mars - Eihwaz -- Ace of Pentacles
Jupiter - Inguz -- Justice
Saturn - Jera -- The Hermit
Uranus - Gebo -- King of Cups
Neptune - blank rune -- The Lovers
Pluto - Berkano -- 7 of Pentacles

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